Monday, April 15, 2013

Its been a few days/weeks since my first post I am not making much progress on my stash.  I did start another quilt at a retreat this weekend. Currently I have four quilts that I am actively working.  That number does not include the quilts that are waiting for a border, more blocks, backings and/or quilting.  I did get the backing ready for a baby quilt for my niece finished and now it is ready for quilting now it just needs quilting.  The baby may just get the quilt before she graduates from college.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hello Out There

I am a quilter with a large overflowing stash of fabrics and this is day one of telling about my efforts to reduce my stash.  You might think just box it up and take it to Goodwill but I purchased that fabric and I had purpose for it.  I liked it and I wanted it in my collection to use not to give away or throw it out.

I start the year of 2013 with the goal of not purchasing new patterns and working from my stash.  The patterns I have kept my goal.  I have have only acquired new patterns from free patterns over internet.  The fabric I have fallen off the wagon 3 times but I have manage to limit the purchases and have sent off three quilt tops to be quilted.  I think I am ahead as long as I use up more fabric than I bring in the house.